Top 8 PauperOne 4.0

Players: 66
Location: Mana Flask – Brescia
Date: 08/10/2023
Structure: 7 swiss rounds, cut to top 8
TO: Lega Pauper Brescia

Kuldotha by Alessandro Privitera, Winner

Creatures (16)
Monastery Swiftspear
Goblin Blast-Runner
Voldaren Epicure
Goblin Bushwhacker

Spells (27)
Kuldotha Rebirth
Lightning Bolt
Chain Lightning
Lava Dart
Improvised Club
Experimental Synthesizer
Implement of Combustion
Lands (17)
Great Furnace
13 Mountain

Sideboard (15)
Relic of Progenitus
Fiery Cannonade
Breath Weapon
Cast into the Fire
Cleansing Wildfire

Golgari Ponza by Federico Di Chio, Finalist

Creatures (23)
Arbor Elf
Fierce Empath
Llanowar Visionary
Avenging Hunter
Generous Ent
Troll of Khazad-dûm
Annoyed Altisaur

Spells (24)
Mwonvuli Acid-Moss
Cast Down
Snuff Out
Utopia Sprawl
Wild Growth
Elven Farsight
Lands (14)
11 Forest
Haunted Mire

Sideboard (15)
Nihil Spellbomb
Cast Down
Snuff Out
Chainer’s Edict
Unexpected Fangs
Pulse of Murasa
Arms of Hadar

Kuldotha by Marco Rossi, Top4

Creatures (11)
Dwarven Forge-Chanter
Monastery Swiftspear
Voldaren Epicure

Spells (32)
Chain Lightning
Experimental Synthesizer
Galvanic Blast
Implement of Combustion
Kuldotha Rebirth
Lava Dart
Lightning Bolt
Reckless Impulse
Wrenn’s Resolve
Lands (17)
Great Furnace
13 Mountain

Sideboard (15)
Cast into the Fire
End the Festivities
Relic of Progenitus

Dimir Terror by Mattia Calissi, Top4

Creatures (10)
Tolarian Terror
Cryptic Serpent
Gurmag Angler

Spells (35)
Thought Scour
Mental Note
Spell Pierce
Agony Warp
Cast Down
Snuff Out
Lórien Revealed
Unexpected Fangs
Crawl from the Cellar
Suffocating Fumes
Lands (15)
Ice Tunnel
Contaminated Aquifer

Sideboard (15)
Unexpected Fangs
Nihil Spellbomb
Murmuring Mystic
Chainer’s Edict

Kuldotha by Dario Pelli, Top8

Creatures (16)
Goblin Bushwhacker
Monastery Swiftspear
Voldaren Epicure
Goblin Blast-Runner

Spells (29)
Lightning Bolt
Chain Lightning
Kuldotha Rebirth
Wrenn’s Resolve
Mutagenic Growth
Lotus Petal
Lava Dart
Experimental Synthesizer
Lands (15)
Great Furnace
11 Mountain

Sideboard (15)
Flaring Pain
Red Elemental Blast
Tormod’s Crypt
Raze the Effigy

Altar Tron by Roberto De Vivo, Top8

Creatures (4)
Myr Retriever

Spells (39)
Candy Trail
Chromatic Sphere
Chromatic Star
Expedition Map
Golem Foundry
Deadly Dispute
Rowan’s Grim Search
Energy Refractor
Ashnod’s Altar
Weather the Storm
Crop Rotation
Blood Fountain
Conjurer’s Bauble
Makeshift Munitions
Lands (17)
Polluted Mire
Crystal Grotto
Urza’s Power Plant
Urza’s Mine
Urza’s Tower
Bojuka Bog

Sideboard (15)
Nihil Spellbomb
Weather the Storm
Serene Heart
Fangren Marauder
Ancient Gruduge
Krark-Clan Shaman
Nature’s Claim

Walls Cascade by Davide Abis, Top8

Creatures (38)
Annoyed Altisaur
Generous Ent
Elvish Mystic
Llanowar Elves
Avenging Hunter
Boarding Party
Axebane Guardian
Tuktuk Rubblefort
Overgrown Battlement
Saruli Caretaker
Quirion Ranger
Tinder Wall

Spells (8)
Lead the Stampede
Winding Way
Lands (14)
Highland Forest
13 Snow-Covered Forest

Sideboard (15)
Gorilla Shaman
Scattershot Archer
Nylea’s Disciple
Vent Sentinel
Valakut Invoker
Moment’s Peace
Flaring Pain

Walls Cascade by Giacomo Giuliani, Top8

Creatures (39)
Elvish Mystic
Llanowar Elves
Quirion Ranger
Saruli Caretaker
Tinder Wall
Overgrown Battlement
Tuktuk Rubblefort
Axebane Guardian
Boarding Party
Annoyed Altisaur
Generous Ent

Spells (8)
Winding Way
Lead the Stampede
Lands (13)
13 Forest

Sideboard (15)
Healer of the Glade
Drift of Phantasms
Freed from the Real
Galvanic Alchemist
Reaping the Graves
Valakut Invoker
Orochi Leafcaller
Shield-Wall Sentinel

Stickers (10)
Eldrazi Guacamole Tightrope
Trendy Circus Pirate
Carnival Elephant Meteor
Mystic Doom Sandwich
Jetpack Death Seltzer
Playable Delusionary Hydra
Trained Blessed Mind
Elemental Time Flamingo
Zombie Cheese Magician
Giant Mana Cake