Players: 59
Date: 14 July 2024
Structure: 6 Turns of Swiss + Top 8
Kuldotha Red by Riccardo Ceridono, Winner
Creatures (16) 4 Goblin Blast-Runner 4 Goblin Bushwhacker 4 Goblin Tomb Raider 4 Voldaren Epicure Instants (8) 4 Galvanic Blast 4 Lightning Bolt Sorceries (9) 4 Kuldotha Rebirth 2 Goblin Grenade 1 Chain Lightning 2 Reckless Impulse Artifacts (8) 4 Experimental Synthesizer 4 Implement of Combustion Enchantment (2) 2 Seal of Fire | Lands (17) 4 Great Furnace 13 Mountain Sideboard (15) 4 End the Festivities 4 Smash to Smithereens 3 Gorilla Shaman 2 Pyroblast 2 Relic of Progenitus |
Glee Combo by Lorenzo Fambrini, Finalist
Creatures (8) 4 Basking Broodscale 1 Evolution Witness 3 Nadier’s Nightblade Instants (11) 4 Deadly Dispute 2 Eviscerator’s Insight 1 Fanatical Offering 2 Snakeskin Veil 2 Tamiyo’s Safekeeping Sorceries (8) 4 Duress 4 Malevolent Rumble Artifacts (12) 4 Chromatic Star 2 Wizard’s Rockets 2 Implement of Ferocity 4 Ichor Wellspring Enchantment (4) 4 Sadistic Glee | Lands (18) 2 Jungle Hollow 2 Darkmoss Bridge 2 Twisted Landscape 2 Tree of Tales 4 Forest 6 Swamp Sideboard (15) 4 Snuff Out 3 Nature’s Claim 2 Drown in Sorrow 2 Mesmeric Fiend 2 Tamiyo’s Safekeeping 2 Weather the Storm |
Jeskai Ephemerate by Andrea Landi, 3rd Place
Creatures (12) 4 Augur of Bolas 2 Archaeomancer 2 Murmuring Mystic 4 Mulldrifter Instants (21) 3 Ephemerate 4 Brainstorm 2 Dispel 4 Counterspell 3 Lightning Bolt 3 Skred 1 Thraben Charm 1 Union of the Third Path Sorceries (8) 4 Cleansing Wildfire 4 Lórien Revealed | Lands (20) 4 Rustvale Bridge 4 Silverbluff Bridge 1 Volatile Fjord 1 Glacial Floodplain 2 Perilous Landscape 6 Snow-Covered Island 1 Snow-Covered Mountain 1 Snow-Covered Plains Sideboard (15) 3 God-Pharaoh’s Faithful 3 Hydroblast 2 Cast into the Fire 2 Destroy Evil 2 Obsidian Acolyte 1 Essence Scatter 1 Kenku Artificer 1 Thraben Charm |
Mono U by Remo Baldi, 4th Place
Creatures (24) 4 Faerie Miscreant 4 Faerie Seer 4 Brinebarrow Intruder 4 Spellstutter Sprite 4 Moon-Circuit Hacker 4 Ninja of the Deep Hours Instants (8) 4 Counterspell 2 Force Spike 2 Spell Pierce Sorceries (4) 4 Of One Mind Enchantment (6) 3 Bind the Monster 3 Seal of Removal | Lands (18) 18 Island Sideboard (15) 4 Blue Elemental Blast 1 Hydroblast 4 Steel Sabotage 3 Witness Protection 1 Bind the Monster 1 Psychic Barrier 1 Seal of Removal |
Kuldotha Red by Marcello Canuti, 5th Place
Creatures (16) 4 Goblin Blast-Runner 4 Goblin Bushwhacker 4 Goblin Tomb Raider 4 Voldaren Epicure Instants (8) 4 Galvanic Blast 4 Lightning Bolt Sorceries (8) 4 Kuldotha Rebirth 4 Chain Lightning Artifacts (8) 4 Experimental Synthesizer 4 Implement of Combustion Enchantment (2) 2 Seal of Fire | Lands (18) 1 The Autonomous Furnace 4 Great Furnace 13 Mountain Sideboard (15) 3 Cast into the Fire 3 Raze 3 Relic of Progenitus 3 Smash to Smithereens 3 Tectonic Hazard |
Kuldotha Red by Glauco Fiori, 6th Place
Creatures (16) 4 Goblin Blast-Runner 4 Goblin Bushwhacker 4 Goblin Tomb Raider 4 Voldaren Epicure Instants (9) 4 Galvanic Blast 4 Lightning Bolt 1 Fireblast Sorceries (8) 4 Kuldotha Rebirth 3 Chain Lightning 1 Goblin Grenade Artifacts (8) 4 Experimental Synthesizer 4 Implement of Combustion Enchantment (2) 2 Seal of Fire | Lands (17) 4 Great Furnace 13 Mountain Sideboard (15) 3 Smash to Smithereens 3 Raze 3 Red Elemental Blast 2 End the Festivities 2 Gorilla Shaman 2 Relic of Progenitus |
Rakdos Burn by Francesco Corrieri, 7th Place
Creatures (12) 4 Voldaren Epicure 4 Kitchen Imp 4 Sneaky Snacker Instants (16) 4 Lightning Bolt 4 Galvanic Blast 4 Fiery Temper 4 Demand Answers Sorceries (13) 4 Faithless Looting 4 Alms of the Vein 3 Vampire’s Kiss 2 Highway Robbery | Lands (19) 2 Rakdos Carnarium 4 Drossforge Bridge 4 Jagged Barrens 4 Great Furnace 3 Vault of Whispers 1 Mountain 1 Swamp Sideboard (15) 3 Raze 3 Smash to Smithereens 2 Gorilla Shaman 2 Nihil Spellbomb 2 Tithing Blade 1 Cast into the Fire 1 Chainer’s Edict 1 End the Festivities |
Glee Combo by Lorenzo Aldegheri, 8th Place
Creatures (7) 4 Basking Broodscale 3 Bloodrite Invoker Instants (11) 2 Snakeskin Veil 2 Tamiyo’s Safekeeping 4 Deadly Dispute 3 Eviscerator’s Insight Sorceries (8) 4 Duress 4 Malevolent Rumble Artifacts (12) 4 Chromatic Star 2 Implement of Ferocity 4 Ichor Wellspring 2 Energy Refractor Enchantment (4) 4 Sadistic Glee | Lands (18) 2 Haunted Mire 2 Darkmoss Bridge 2 Deceptive Landscape 2 Tree of Tales 4 Forest 6 Swamp Sideboard (15) 4 Weather the Storm 4 Snuff Out 3 Drown in Sorrow 2 Mesmeric Fiend 2 Tamiyo’s Safekeeping |