Players: 8
Date: 09/11/2024
Structure: 3 swiss rounds + Top4
Kuldotha by Filippo Bodei, Winner
Artifacts (4) 4 Experimental Synthesizer Creatures (20) 4 Clockwork Percussionist 4 Goblin Bushwhacker 4 Goblin Tomb Raider 4 Reckless Lackey 4 Voldaren Epicure Instants (9) 1 Fireblast 4 Galvanic Blast 4 Lightning Bolt | Lands (17) 4 Great Furnace 13 Mountain Sorceries (10) 4 Chain Lightning 1 Goblin Grenade 4 Kuldotha Rebirth 1 Reckless Abandon Sideboard (15) 2 Flaring Pain 2 Gorilla Shaman 3 Pyroblast 2 Relic of Progenitus 4 Smash to Smithereens 2 Tectonic Hazard |
Jund Wildfire by Lorenzo Romano, Finalist
Artifacts (9) 2 Blood Fountain 4 Ichor Wellspring 2 Lembas 1 Nihil Spellbomb Creatures (14) 3 Krark-Clan Shaman 2 Nyxborn Hydra 4 Refurbished Familiar 1 Troll of Khazad-dûm 4 Writhing Chrysalis Instants (13) 4 Deadly Dispute 1 Eviscerator’s Insight 4 Galvanic Blast 1 Pulse of Murasa 1 Suffocating Fumes 2 Toxin Analysis | Lands (20) 4 Drossforge Bridge 2 Forest 2 Mountain 4 Slagwoods Bridge 3 Swamp 2 Twisted Landscape 3 Vault of Whispers Sorceries (4) 4 Cleansing Wildfire Sideboard (15) 1 Breath Weapon 2 Cast Down 3 Duress 4 Psychic Purge 2 Pyroblast 1 Toxin Analysis 2 Weather the Storm |
Poison Storm by Alessandro Moretti, Top4
Artifacts (7) 4 Pentad Prism 3 Everflowing Chalice Enchantments (4) 4 Meat Locker/Drowned Diner Instants (17) 2 Steady Progress 4 Experimental Augury 4 Prologue to Phyresis 3 Suffocating Fumes 4 Weather the Storm | Lands (16) 4 Hickory Woodlot 2 Island 4 Peat Bog 4 Saprazzan Skerry 1 Forest 1 Swamp Sorceries (16) 4 Contentious Plan 4 Thirsting Roots 4 Infectious Inquiry 4 Vivisurgeon’s Insight Sideboard (15) 4 Bring the Ending 4 Moment’s Peace 3 Vendetta 4 Anoint with Affliction |
Gardens by Elia Togni, Top4
Artifacts (10) 1 Blood Fountain 2 Ichor Wellspring 3 Lembas 2 Nihil Spellbomb 2 Tithing Blade Creatures (14) 1 Avenging Hunter 3 Crypt Rats 1 Fangren Marauder 2 Thorn of the Black Rose 3 Troll of Khazad-dûm 4 Writhing Chrysalis Instants (17) 4 Cast Down 4 Deadly Dispute 3 Defile 2 Eviscerator’s Insight 1 Fanatical Offering 2 Snuff Out 1 Spinning Darkness | Lands (19) 1 Bojuka Bog 1 Forest 1 Geothermal Bog 1 Haunted Mire 4 Khalni Garden 1 Mountain 7 Swamp 2 Twisted Landscape 1 Witch’s Cottage Sideboard (15) 3 Ancient Grudge 3 Duress 1 Relic of Progenitus 1 Rotten Reunion 2 Toxin Analysis 2 Troublemaker Ouphe 3 Weather the Storm |
Flicker Tron by Marco Trivella, Top8
Artifacts (9) 4 Energy Refractor 4 Expedition Map 1 Runaway Boulder Creatures (7) 2 Mnemonic Wall 3 Mulldrifter 1 Murmuring Mystic 1 Stonehorn Dignitary Instants (21) 1 Crop Rotation 1 Ephemerate 2 Ghostly Flicker 4 Impulse 4 Moment’s Peace 3 Mystical Teachings 1 Prohibit 2 Pulse of Murasa 1 Unfathomable Truths 1 Unwind 1 Weather the Storm | Lands (21) 1 Bojuka Bog 2 Conduit Pylons 2 Island 1 Molten Tributary 1 Remote Isle 1 Tangled Islet 1 Thornwood Falls 4 Urza’s Mine 4 Urza’s Power Plant 4 Urza’s Tower Sorceries (2) 2 Lórien Revealed Sideboard (15) 1 Ancient Grudge 1 Breath Weapon 1 Destroy Evil 1 Fangren Marauder 4 Hydroblast 1 Mournwhelk 1 Rolling Thunder 4 Ulamog’s Crusher 1 Weather the Storm |
White Weenie by Michele Scalvini, Top8
Creatures (27) 2 Eagles of the North 4 Kor Skyfisher 3 Lunarch Veteran 4 Militia Bugler 4 Novice Inspector 4 Raffine’s Informant 1 Steadfast Unicorn 2 Suture Priest 3 Thraben Inspector Instants (10) 3 Guardians’ Pledge 3 Prismatic Strands 4 Thraben Charm | Lands (19) 1 Idyllic Grange 18 Plains Sorceries (4) 4 Battle Screech Sideboard (15) 3 Coalition Honor Guard 2 Destroy Evil 4 Dust to Dust 1 Prismatic Strands 3 Revoke Existence 1 Standard Bearer 1 Suture Priest |
Gardens by Alessandro Rigamonti, Top8
Artifacts (8) 1 Blood Fountain 2 Ichor Wellspring 3 Lembas 2 Tithing Blade Creatures (13) 2 Avenging Hunter 3 Crypt Rats 1 Thorn of the Black Rose 3 Troll of Khazad-dûm 4 Writhing Chrysalis Instants (17) 4 Cast Down 4 Deadly Dispute 3 Defile 2 Eviscerator’s Insight 2 Fanatical Offering 2 Snuff Out | Lands (20) 1 Bojuka Bog 1 Forest 1 Geothermal Bog 1 Haunted Mire 3 Khalni Garden 1 Mountain 8 Swamp 3 Twisted Landscape 1 Witch’s Cottage Sorceries (2) 2 Pilfer Sideboard (15) 2 Ancient Grudge 2 Breath Weapon 1 Nihil Spellbomb 1 Pilfer 1 Relic of Progenitus 2 Toxin Analysis 2 Troublemaker Ouphe 4 Weather the Storm |
Dimir Affinity by Mattia Vernizzi, Top8
Artifacts (6) 3 Blood Fountain 3 Springleaf Drum Creatures (24) 4 Moon-Circuit Hacker 4 Myr Enforcer 4 Ninja of the Deep Hours 4 Ornithopter 4 Refurbished Familiar 4 Gingerbrute Instants (6) 3 Cast Down 3 Metallic Rebuke | Lands (18) 3 Escape Tunnel 2 Island 4 Mistvault Bridge 4 Seat of the Synod 1 Swamp 4 Vault of Whispers Sorceries (6) 2 Hunger of the Nim 4 Thoughtcast Sideboard (15) 4 Blue Elemental Blast 2 Extract a Confession 3 Nihil Spellbomb 3 Seal of Removal 3 Steel Sabotage |