Players: 118
Location: Pala Todisco, San Giuliano Terme (Pisa)
Date: 21 June 2024
Structure: 7 Rounds of Swiss + Top 8
Cawgate by Simone Ledda, Winner
Creatures (10) 4 Sacred Cat 4 Squadron Hawk 2 Guardian of the Guildpact Instants (18) 4 Brainstorm 2 Spell Pierce 4 Counterspell 4 Thraben Charm 4 Prismatic Strands Sorceries (6) 2 Deep Analysis 4 Lórien Revealed Enchantment (6) 4 The Modern Age 2 Journey to Nowhere | Lands (20) 4 Sea Gate 4 Citadel Gate 2 Azorius Guildgate 2 Heap Gate 4 Basilisk Gate 1 Idyllic Beachfront 3 Island Sideboard (15) 4 Hydroblast 4 Red Elemental Blast 4 Dust to Dust 2 Breath Weapon 1 Dispel |
Walls Cascade by Efrem Perotti, Finalist
Creatures (40) 4 Quirion Ranger 4 Saruli Caretaker 2 Tinder Wall 4 Overgrown Battlement 2 Wall of Roots 4 Axebane Guardian 2 Tuktuk Rubblefort 1 Vivien’s Grizzly 1 Valakut Invoker 4 Avenging Hunter 4 Generous Ent 4 Boarding Party 4 Annoyed Altisaur Sorceries (8) 4 Winding Way 4 Lead the Stampede | Lands (13) 1 Wooded Ridgeline 1 Gingerbread Cabin 11 Forest Sideboard (15) 3 Gorilla Shaman 3 Drift of Phantasms 2 Nylea’s Disciple 1 Shield-Wall Sentinel 1 Secret Door 1 Galvanic Alchemist 1 Freed from the Real 1 Reaping the Graves 1 Moment’s Peace 1 Guardian Naga |
Grixis Affinity by Giulio Regis, 3rd Place
Creatures (12) 4 Refurbished Familiar 4 Sneaky Snacker 4 Myr Enforcer Instants (15) 4 Galvanic Blast 1 Cast Down 3 Counterspell 4 Deadly Dispute 3 Reckoner’s Bargain Sorceries (4) 4 Thoughtcast Artifacts (9) 3 Blood Fountain 2 Nihil Spellbomb 4 Ichor Wellspring Enchantment (1) 1 Makeshift Munitions | Lands (19) 4 Mistvault Bridge 3 Silverbluff Bridge 2 Drossforge Bridge 4 Seat of the Synod 4 Vault of Whispers 2 Great Furnace Sideboard (15) 4 Hydroblast 2 Pyroblast 2 Red Elemental Blast 3 Cast into the Fire 2 Krark-Clan Shaman 2 Negate |
Gruul Ponza by Lorenzo Romano, 4th Place
Creatures (25) 4 Arbor Elf 4 Eldrazi Repurposer 4 Writhing Chrysalis 4 Avenging Hunter 4 Boarding Party 1 Colossal Dreadmask 4 Annoyed Altisaur Sorceries (10) 2 Malevolent Rumble 4 Thermokarst 4 Mwonvuli Acid-Moss Enchantment (7) 4 Utopia Sprawl 3 Wild Growth | Lands (18) 2 Wooded Ridgeline 15 Forest 1 Mountain Sideboard (15) 4 Deglamer 2 Breath Weapon 2 Relic of Progenitus 2 Gorilla Shaman 2 Cast into the Fire 2 Weather the Storm 1 Flaring Pain |
Grixis Affinity by Davide Caracciolo, 5th Plac
Creatures (13) 4 Refurbished Familiar 4 Sneaky Snacker 4 Myr Enforcer 1 Kenku Artificer Instants (13) 4 Galvanic Blast 4 Deadly Dispute 2 Reckoner’s Bargain 3 Metallic Rebuke Sorceries (5) 4 Thoughtcast 1 Lórien Revealed Artifacts (9) 3 Blood Fountain 2 Nihil Spellbomb 4 Ichor Wellspring Enchantment (1) 1 Makeshift Munitions | Lands (19) 4 Mistvault Bridge 3 Drossforge Bridge 2 Silverbluff Bridge 4 Vault of Whispers 3 Great Furnace 2 Seat of the Synod 1 Island Sideboard (15) 3 Hydroblast 3 Pyroblast 2 Gorilla Shaman 2 Krark-Clan Shaman 2 Cast into the Fire 2 Negate 1 Nihil Spellbomb |
Jeskai Ephemerate by Salvatore Attanasio, 6th Place
Creatures (12) 4 Augur of Bolas 1 Kenku Artificer 2 Archaeomancer 2 Murmuring Mystic 3 Mulldrifter Instants (20) 2 Ephemerate 4 Brainstorm 4 Counterspell 1 Lose Focus 3 Skred 1 Lightning Bolt 1 Thraben Charm 2 Cast into the Fire 1 Breath Weapon 1 Union of the Third Path Sorceries (9) 4 Cleansing Wildfire 1 Late to Dinner 4 Lórien Revealed | Lands (19) 4 Rustvale Bridge 4 Silverbluff Bridge 1 Glacial Floodplain 1 Volatile Fjord 1 Perilous Landscape 6 Snow-Covered Island 1 Snow-Covered Mountain 1 Snow-Covered Plains Sideboard (15) 4 Red Elemental Blast 3 Blue Elemental Blast 2 Fanged Flames 2 Destroy Evil 1 Cast into the Fire 1 Breath Weapon 1 Thraben Charm 1 Dispel |
Gruul Ponza by Andrea Feltrin, 7th Place
Creatures (24) 4 Arbor Elf 4 Eldrazi Repurposer 4 Writhing Chrysalis 3 Avenging Hunter 4 Boarding Party 1 Colossal Dreadmask 4 Annoyed Altisaur Sorceries (12) 3 Malevolent Rumble 1 Glimpse the Impossible 4 Thermokarst 4 Mwonvuli Acid-Moss Enchantment (7) 4 Utopia Sprawl 3 Wild Growth | Lands (17) 1 Wooded Ridgeline 15 Forest 1 Mountain Sideboard (15) 4 Relic of Progenitus 4 Deglamer 3 Weather the Storm 2 Gorilla Shaman 2 Breath Weapon |
Glee Combo by Elia Morgese, 8th Place
Creatures (20) 2 Iron Apprentice 4 Basking Broodscale 3 Legion Vanguard 2 Mesmeric Fiend 4 Evolution Witness 1 Molten Gatekeeper 4 Troll of Khazad-dûm Instants (10) 4 Deadly Dispute 2 Eviscerator’s Insight 2 Fanatical Offering 2 Gaea’s Gift Sorceries (8) 4 Exhume 4 Malevolent Rumble Artifacts (1) 1 Jack-o’-Lantern Enchantment (6) 2 Bequeathal 4 Sadistic Glee | Lands (15) 1 Woodland Chasm 1 Geothermal Bog 4 Khalni Garden 7 Swamp 2 Forest Sideboard (15) 3 Accursed Marauder 3 Faerie Macabre 3 Weather the Storm 2 Fume Spitter 2 Seal of Primordium 2 Mesmeric Fiend |