Players: 233
Date: 24 November 2024
Structure: 7 Turns of Swiss
Jund Wildfire by Marco Trivella, 21 Points, Winner
Creatures (14) 3 Krark-Clan Shaman 4 Refurbished Familiar 4 Writhing Chrysalis 1 Thorn of the Black Rose 1 Avenging Hunter 1 Nyxborn Hydra Instants (12) 2 Cast Down 2 Snuff Out 3 Toxin Analysis 4 Deadly Dispute 1 Eviscerator’s Insight Sorceries (4) 4 Cleansing Wildfire Artifacts (10) 2 Blood Fountain 2 Nihil Spellbomb 4 Ichor Wellspring 2 Lembas | Lands (20) 4 Drossforge Bridge 4 Slagwoods Bridge 4 Twisted Landscape 3 Swamp 2 Vault of Whispers 2 Forest 1 Mountain Sideboard (15) 3 Duress 2 Breath Weapon 2 Weather the Storm 2 Snuff Out 2 Troublemaker Ouphe 1 Nyxborn Hydra 1 Avenging Hunter 1 Thorn of the Black Rose 1 Krark-Clan Shaman |
Mono Blue Terror by Jiri Moravec, 19 Points, 2nd Place
Creatures (12) 4 Delver of Secrets 4 Tolarian Terror 4 Cryptic Serpent Instants (22) 4 Brainstorm 4 Thought Scour 3 Mental Note 3 Spell Pierce 4 Counterspell 4 Boomerang Sorceries (10) 1 Sleep of the Dead 3 Ponder 2 Deep Analysis 4 Lórien Revealed | Lands (16) 16 Island Sideboard (15) 3 Hydroblast 3 Blue Elemental Blast 3 Annul 2 Steel Sabotage 2 Dispel 1 Sleep of the Dead 1 Murmuring Mystic |
Grixis Affinity by Gabriele Marraccini, 19 Points, 3rd Place
Creatures (12) 3 Krark-Clan Shaman 4 Refurbished Familiar 4 Myr Enforcer 1 Kenku Artificer Instants (14) 4 Deadly Dispute 3 Reckoner’s Bargain 4 Galvanic Blast 1 Candy Grapple 1 Cast Down 1 Toxin Analysis Sorceries (3) 3 Thoughtcast Artifacts (11) 3 Blood Fountain 2 Candy Trail 2 Nihil Spellbomb 4 Ichor Wellspring Enchantment (1) 1 Makeshift Munitions | Lands (20) 4 Silverbluff Bridge 4 Drossforge Bridge 4 Mistvault Bridge 4 Vault of Whispers 2 Seat of the Synod 1 Great Furnace 1 Swamp Sideboard (15) 4 Blue Elemental Blast 4 Red Elemental Blast 2 Duress 2 Breath Weapon 1 Cast Down 1 Candy Grapple 1 Toxin Analysis |
Grixis Affinity by Carlos Molina, 18 Points, 4th Place
Creatures (12) 3 Krark-Clan Shaman 4 Refurbished Familiar 4 Myr Enforcer 1 Kenku Artificer Instants (14) 4 Deadly Dispute 4 Reckoner’s Bargain 2 Toxin Analysis 4 Galvanic Blast Sorceries (2) 2 Thoughtcast Artifacts (12) 3 Blood Fountain 2 Chromatic Star 2 Nihil Spellbomb 1 Candy Grapple 4 Ichor Wellspring Enchantment (1) 1 Makeshift Munitions | Lands (19) 4 Drossforge Bridge 4 Mistvault Bridge 3 Silverbluff Bridge 3 Vault of Whispers 2 Seat of the Synod 2 Great Furnace 1 Swamp Sideboard (15) 4 Blue Elemental Blast 1 Hydroblast 3 Pyroblast 2 Cast Down 1 Okiba-Gang Shinobi 1 Duress 1 Krark-Clan Shaman 1 Toxin Analysis 1 Divest |
Kuldotha Red by Matteo Lugaresi, 18 Points, 5th Place
Creatures (20) 4 Goblin Tomb Raider 4 Voldaren Epicure 4 Clockwork Percussionist 4 Reckless Lackey 4 Goblin Bushwhacker Instants (9) 4 Lightning Bolt 4 Galvanic Blast 1 Reckless Abandon Sorceries (10) 4 Kuldotha Rebirth 4 Chain Lightning 2 End the Festivities Artifacts (4) 4 Experimental Synthesizer | Lands (17) 4 Great Furnace 13 Mountain Sideboard (15) 3 Electrickery 3 Red Elemental Blast 3 Relic of Progenitus 3 Gorilla Shaman 2 Cast into the Fire 1 Smash to Smithereens |
Golgari Glee by Antonio Di Meglio, 18 Points, 6th Place
Creatures (10) 3 Shambling Ghast 4 Basking Broodscale 3 Nadier’s Nightblade Instants (12) 4 Tamiyo’s Safekeeping 4 Deadly Dispute 4 Eviscerator’s Insight Sorceries (8) 4 Duress 4 Malevolent Rumble Artifacts (7) 3 Candy Trail 4 Ichor Wellspring Enchantment (4) 4 Sadistic Glee | Lands (19) 4 Khalni Garden 2 Foreboding Landscape 7 Swamp 2 Vault of Whispers 2 Forest 2 Tree of Tales Sideboard (15) 4 Drown in Sorrow 3 Last Rites 3 Weather the Storm 3 Snuff Out 2 Troublemaker Ouphe |
Mono Blue Faeries by Simeon Aspe, 18 Points, 7th Place
Creatures (24) 4 Faerie Seer 4 Faerie Miscreant 3 Brinebarrow Intruder 4 Spellstutter Sprite 1 Saiba Cryptomancer 4 Moon-Circuit Hacker 4 Ninja of the Deep Hours Instants (13) 3 Force Spike 2 Spell Pierce 4 Counterspell 2 Boomerang 2 Snap Sorceries (4) 4 Of One Mind Enchantments (1) 1 Smoke Shroud | Lands (18) 18 Island Sideboard (15) 4 Blue Elemental Blast 1 Hydroblast 4 Annul 3 Relic of Progenitus 2 Steel Sabotage 1 Sunken City |
Grixis Affinity by Giulio Lauri, 18 Points, 8th Place
Creatures (14) 3 Krark-Clan Shaman 4 Refurbished Familiar 4 Myr Enforcer 3 Gearseeker Serpent Instants (15) 4 Deadly Dispute 4 Reckoner’s Bargain 2 Toxin Analysis 3 Galvanic Blast 1 Cast Down 1 Candy Grapple Sorceries (2) 2 Thoughtcast Artifacts (9) 3 Blood Fountain 2 Nihil Spellbomb 4 Ichor Wellspring | Lands (20) 4 Drossforge Bridge 4 Mistvault Bridge 3 Silverbluff Bridge 4 Vault of Whispers 3 Seat of the Synod 2 Great Furnace Sideboard (15) 4 Hydroblast 2 Negate 2 Breath Weapon 2 Duress 2 Pyroblast 1 Toxin Analysis 1 Candy Grapple 1 Cast Down |
Kuldotha Red by Tomas Parizek, 18 Points, 9th Place
Creatures (20) 4 Goblin Tomb Raider 4 Clockwork Percussionist 4 Voldaren Epicure 4 Reckless Lackey 4 Goblin Bushwhacker Instants (8) 4 Lightning Bolt 4 Galvanic Blast Sorceries (10) 4 Kuldotha Rebirth 4 Chain Lightning 2 Tectonic Hazard Artifacts (4) 4 Experimental Synthesizer | Lands (18) 1 The Autonomous Furnace 4 Great Furnace 13 Mountain Sideboard (15) 3 Raze 3 Electrickery 3 Gorilla Shaman 3 Cast into the Fire 2 Relic of Progenitus 1 Flaring Pain |
Jund Wildfire by Tomas Hinduliak, 18 Points, 10th Place
Creatures (14) 3 Krark-Clan Shaman 4 Refurbished Familiar 4 Writhing Chrysalis 1 Troll of Khazad-dûm 2 Nyxborn Hydra Instants (13) 4 Deadly Dispute 1 Eviscerator’s Insight 2 Toxin Analysis 4 Galvanic Blast 1 Suffocating Fumes 1 Pulse of Murasa Sorceries (4) 4 Cleansing Wildfire Artifacts (9) 2 Blood Fountain 1 Nihil Spellbomb 3 Ichor Wellspring 3 Lembas | Lands (20) 4 Drossforge Bridge 4 Slagwoods Bridge 4 Twisted Landscape 3 Swamp 2 Vault of Whispers 2 Forest 1 Mountain Sideboard (15) 4 Duress 2 Weather the Storm 2 Pyroblast 2 Cast Down 1 Breath Weapon 1 Nihil Spellbomb 1 Gorilla Shaman 1 Flaring Pain 1 Toxin Analysis |
Grixis Affinity by Imma di Guida, 17 Points, 11th Place
Creatures (13) 3 Krark-Clan Shaman 4 Refurbished Familiar 4 Myr Enforcer 2 Kenku Artificer Instants (14) 4 Deadly Dispute 4 Reckoner’s Bargain 4 Galvanic Blast 2 Toxin Analysis Sorceries (2) 2 Thoughtcast Artifacts (11) 3 Blood Fountain 2 Candy Trail 2 Nihil Spellbomb 4 Ichor Wellspring Enchantment (1) 1 Makeshift Munitions | Lands (20) 4 Drossforge Bridge 4 Mistvault Bridge 3 Silverbluff Bridge 3 Vault of Whispers 2 Seat of the Synod 2 Great Furnace 1 Island 1 Swamp Sideboard (15) 4 Blue Elemental Blast 3 Gorilla Shaman 2 Cast into the Fire 2 Pilfer 2 Pyroblast 1 Cast Down 1 Breath Weapon |
Jund Glee by Erik Maranto, 16 Points, 12th Place
Creatures (12) 2 Krark-Clan Shaman 4 Basking Broodscale 2 Evolution Witness 4 Writhing Chrysalis Instants (8) 2 Tamiyo’s Safekeeping 4 Deadly Dispute 2 Eviscerator’s Insight Sorceries (6) 2 Duress 4 Cleansing Wildfire Artifacts (8) 2 Blood Fountain 2 Nihil Spellbomb 4 Ichor Wellspring Enchantment (6) 4 Sadistic Glee 2 Makeshift Munitions | Lands (20) 4 Drossforge Bridge 4 Slagwoods Bridge 4 Twisted Landscape 4 Forest 3 Swamp 1 Mountain Sideboard (15) 4 Snuff Out 3 Troublemaker Ouphe 3 Weather the Storm 3 Pyroblast 2 Breath Weapon |
Grixis Affinity by Noam Brunel, 16 Points, 13th Place
Creatures (15) 3 Krark-Clan Shaman 4 Refurbished Familiar 4 Myr Enforcer 4 Gearseeker Serpent Instants (12) 4 Deadly Dispute 3 Reckoner’s Bargain 2 Cast Down 1 Candy Grapple 2 Toxin Analysis Sorceries (3) 3 Thoughtcast Artifacts (10) 3 Blood Fountain 2 Candy Trail 1 Nihil Spellbomb 4 Ichor Wellspring | Lands (20) 4 Mistvault Bridge 4 Silverbluff Bridge 4 Drossforge Bridge 4 Vault of Whispers 4 Seat of the Synod Sideboard (15) 4 Hydroblast 3 Duress 2 Breath Weapon 2 Cast Down 2 Pyroblast 1 Candy Grapple 1 Toxin Analysis |
Mono Blue Terror by Davide Gori, 16 Points, 14th Place
Creatures (12) 4 Delver of Secrets 4 Tolarian Terror 4 Cryptic Serpent Instants (25) 4 Brainstorm 4 Thought Scour 4 Mental Note 3 Spell Pierce 4 Counterspell 3 Boomerang 2 Echoing Truth 1 Artful Dodge Sorceries (8) 1 Sleep of the Dead 2 Ponder 1 Deep Analysis 4 Lórien Revealed | Lands (15) 15 Island Sideboard (15) 4 Annul 2 Blue Elemental Blast 4 Hydroblast 2 Dispel 2 Murmuring Mystic 1 Sleep of the Dead |
Gruul Monsters by Adam Jakfalvi, 16 Points, 15th Place
Creatures (32) 4 Arbor Elf 4 Eldrazi Repurposer 3 Jewel Thief 4 Writhing Chrysalis 4 Avenging Hunter 4 Boarding Party 3 Generous Ent 1 Oliphaunt 4 Annoyed Altisaur 1 Nyxborn Hydra Sorceries (4) 4 Malevolent Rumble Enchantment (7) 4 Utopia Sprawl 3 Wild Growth | Lands (17) 1 Wooded Ridgeline 15 Forest 1 Mountain Sideboard (15) 3 Weather the Storm 3 Vines of Vastwood 2 Breath Weapon 2 Relic of Progenitus 2 Deglamer 1 Ram Through 1 Gorilla Shaman 1 Shinen of Life’s Roar |
Jund Glee by Davide Bianchi, 15 Points, 16th Place
Creatures (12) 2 Krark-Clan Shaman 4 Basking Broodscale 2 Evolution Witness 4 Writhing Chrysalis Instants (8) 2 Tamiyo’s Safekeeping 4 Deadly Dispute 2 Fanatical Offering Sorceries (6) 2 Duress 4 Cleansing Wildfire Artifacts (8) 2 Blood Fountain 2 Sylvok Lifestaff 4 Ichor Wellspring Enchantment (6) 4 Sadistic Glee 2 Makeshift Munitions | Lands (20) 4 Drossforge Bridge 4 Slagwoods Bridge 4 Twisted Landscape 4 Forest 3 Swamp 1 Mountain Sideboard (15) 3 Weather the Storm 3 Snuff Out 3 Breath Weapon 2 Faerie Macabre 2 Troublemaker Ouphe 2 Gorilla Shaman |